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Author: haddonfieldtoday

First Baptist to open for in-person worship

The First Baptist Church of Haddonfield is planning to reopen for worship on Sunday, October 4, with an in-person service at 11am.

All wishing to enter must pass through a no-contact temperature checkpoint at the entrance to the building (the ramp doors), complete a health check, and apply hand sanitizer. Face masks must be worn at all times.

The only open areas will be the sanctuary, Middleton Room, rear hall, main floor powder room, and Skylight Room.

Certain pews will be roped off to maintain social distancing. Worshipers may sit with in family group. Children must remain seated in the sanctuary with their families at all times and must be masked.

Pew cushions and upholstered pieces have been removed. Those who need a cushion should bring their own, but must take it when they leave.

Bibles and hymnals have been removed. Bulletins with the Order of Service will be preset in the available pews. Pre-packaged communion sets will be in the pews on Communion Sundays. Offering plates will not be passed during the service; there will be a receiving box for offering envelopes in the rear of the sanctuary.

There will be no fellowship hour.

Those planning to attend are asked to check email as the date approaches to confirm arrangements, or call 856-429-2326 and for a voicemail message.

The building will be closed after the Sunday service, cleaned, and remain closed for the remainder of the week.

COVID-19 fatalities: Adjusted

On September 21, the Camden County Department of Health announced a downward adjustment to the number of Haddonfield fatalities, from 7 to 4. The change was part of a county-wide adjustment, made as 27 out-of-jurisdiction and “possible” cases were removed from the tally. No further information was available at that time.

Details of the adjustment are now known.


  • 40s — 1 female
  • 50s — 1 male
  • 70s — 1 male
  • 80s — 1 male, 1 female
  • 90s — 1 male, 1 female


  • 40s — 1 female
  • 70s — 1 male
  • 80s — 1 male
  • 90s — 1 male

COVID-19: Three new cases

The Camden County Department of Health reported today that three Haddonfield residents have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19: a male in his 50s (on September 26), a male in his 20s (September 27), and a female in her 80s (today). This brings the total number of confirmed cases locally to 115, with four fatalities.

(Recap: This time last week, the Health Department announced a downward adjustment to the number of Haddonfield fatalities, from 7 to 4. The change was part of a county-wide adjustment, made as 27 out-of-jurisdiction and “possible” cases were removed from the tally.)

In Camden County, the total number of cases stands at 10,636, with 552 deaths. For New Jersey, 204,107 cases with 14,316 confirmed deaths and an additional 1,791 probable deaths.

The transmission rate — a key metric — now stands at 1.12. (A transmission rate of 1.0 means that, on average, each new case will produce one additional new case. When the transmission rate falls below 1,0, it’s a good sign. When it rises above 1.0, it’s cause for concern.)

Statistics for Haddonfield, Camden County, and New Jersey are updated on Haddonfield[dot]Today each week day.

Newcomers kick off new season

The Haddonfield Newcomers Club will kick off its 2020-21 season with two outdoor, socially distanced barre classes for club members on Friday, September 25 at 5pm and Sunday, September 27 at 9am

The classes, to be conducted by Barre3 Cherry Hill, will be held at 70 Lane of Acres, Haddonfield.

The Haddonfield Newcomers Club is open to residents of the borough, and the barre classes are open to all experience levels.

To register for Friday, go HERE.

For Sunday, go HERE.

Ethics complaint filed against Commissioner Kasko

Five Haddonfield residents have filed an ethics complaint against Commissioner Jeffrey S. Kasko.

The complaint alleges that as he was being arrested, following an incident outside his home in February 2019, Kasko improperly “attempted to use his official position as elected commissioner to secure more favorable treatment from the Haddonfield Police Department” by asking an officer at the scene to allow him to speak with the police chief.

The complaint, which was filed with the Local Finance Board, claims Kasko’s request violated a state law that prohibits the use of an official position to secure “unwarranted privileges or advantages.” The board is part of the NJ Department of Community Affairs. Kasko is Haddonfield’s Commissioner of Revenue & Finance, and serves also as deputy mayor.

Among those filing the complaint were two former mayors, John J. Tatditi Jr. and Letitia G. Colombi.

The five residents allege that Kasko made “a clear attempt to utilize his position as an elected official in an attempt to obtain from the chief more lenient treatment than he was receiving from [a police officer at the scene].”

Kasko was charged with ten offenses, among them aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, reckless driving, and leaving the scene of an accident involving property damage. After being arrested, he was taken to Camden County Jail and was held overnight. In May 2010 he was admitted to a pretrial intervention program.

COVID-19: Cases up (5); fatalities down (3)

Today was an unusual day, number-wise, for COVID-19 in Haddonfield.

The Camden County Department of Health reported that five Haddonfield residents have tested positive for the novel coronavirus: four on Saturday and one today. On Saturday: a male juvenile, two females in their 10s, and a female in her 20s; today: a female in her 10s. This brings the total number of confirmed cases locally to 111 — 9.58 cases per 1,000 of population.

At the same time, the Department announced a downward adjustment to the number of Haddonfield fatalities, from 7 to 4. The change was part of a county-wide adjustment, made as 27 out-of-jurisdiction and “possible” cases were removed from the tally.

In a statement accompanying the announcement, the County noted, “Patient information provided at the time of their passing is often incomplete and/or inaccurate. The Health Department investigates every suspected death caused by COVID-19 for accuracy after it has been reported. Over the course of these investigations, the Department has updated inaccurate records so that they contain correct, up-to-date information. As a result of these efforts, the breakdown of deaths per municipality has changed.”

For Camden County, the total number of cases now stands at 10,451, with 547 fatalities. The number of cases represents 20.35 per 1,000 of population.

New Jersey passed a milestone today, as the number of cases rose to 200,154 — 22.53 per 1,000 of population. The number of deaths stands at 14,274, with another 1,791 suspected.

The transmission rate for New Jersey — a key metric — rose today to 1.12, up from 1.07 last Thursday. (A transmission rate of 1.0 means that, on average, each new case will produce one additional new case. When the transmission rate falls below 1,0, it’s a good sign. When it rises above 1.0, it’s cause for concern.)

Statistics for Haddonfield, Camden County, and New Jersey are updated on Haddonfield[dot]Today each week day.

Female resident in 70s has COVID-19

The Camden County Department of Health reported today that a Haddonfield resident — a female in her 70s — has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. This brings the total number of confirmed cases locally to 106, with seven fatalities.

In Camden County, the total number of cases stands at 10,307, with 574 deaths. For New Jersey, 198,361 cases with 14,266 confirmed deaths and an additional 1,791 probable deaths.

The transmission rate — a key metric — rose today to 1.07, up from 1.06 yesterday. (A transmission rate of 1.0 means that, on average, each new case will produce one additional new case. When the transmission rate falls below 1,0, it’s a good sign. When it rises above 1.0, it’s cause for concern.)

Statistics for Haddonfield, Camden County, and New Jersey are updated on Haddonfield[dot]Today each week day.

Shopper rewards: Two days left

Shoppers will be rewarded with some extra “green” for shopping and supporting small businesses and food/beverage establishments in Downtown Haddonfield, through Friday, September 18.

Shoppers who visit the Downtown for in-store shopping and in-person dining this week can email a copy of their original dated receipts from their purchases — September 14 thru 18 — to the Information Center at [email protected] to receive 20% back (up to $100) on total dollars spent, in the form of a Haddonfield gift certificate mailed to their homes. All receipts must be redeemed via email on or before Wednesday, September 23.

“This is our way of showing our community how grateful we are for their ongoing support of our shops and restaurants, especially during this year,” explained Remi Fortunato, Partnership for Haddonfield Retail Recruiter.

There is a limit of one offer per person, so the Downtown encourages everyone to send all of their receipts in one email. This offer has no cash value and is not valid for online sales. Participants must be age 18 or older. Reward gift certificates can be used town-wide until October 10, 2020.

Downtown Haddonfield has continually been promoting ways for everyone to shop and dine safely, via the “Haddonfield Cares” campaign, which focuses on the importance of wearing masks while in the Downtown, practicing social distancing, and frequent hand sanitizing.

COVID-19: Teens drive numbers up

The Camden County Department of Health reported three new COVID-19 cases for Haddonfield today, all females age 10 to 19.

There are now more cases in the 10s since July 1 than in any other age bracket. The 20s have the most cases overall, however, with 22 since the first Haddonfield case was recorded, on March 20.

The total number of local cases now stands at 105, with seven fatalities.

For Camden County, the total number of cases is 10,230. The number of deaths remains at 569. For New Jersey, 197,404 cases with 14,254 confirmed deaths and an additional 1,789 probable deaths.

The transmission rate — a key metric — remained steady today, at 1.06. (A transmission rate of 1.0 means that, on average, each new case will produce one additional new case. When the transmission rate falls below 1,0, it’s a good sign. When it rises above 1.0, it’s cause for concern.)

Statistics for Haddonfield, Camden County, and New Jersey are updated on Haddonfield[dot]Today each week day.

Haddonfield tops 100 COVID-19 cases

The number of Haddonfield residents who have contracted the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, topped the 100 mark today, after the Camden County Department of Health reported three cases: a female age 10 to 19 and two males in their 20s.

The total number of local cases now stands at 102, with seven fatalities.

For Camden County, the total number of cases is 10,200. One death was added to the tally today, for a total of 569. For New Jersey, 196,968 cases with 14,245 confirmed deaths and an additional 1,789 probable deaths.

The transmission rate — a key metric — dropped slightly today, to 1.06. (A transmission rate of 1.0 means that, on average, each new case will produce one additional new case. When the transmission rate falls below 1,0, it’s a good sign. When it rises above 1.0, it’s cause for concern.)

Statistics for Haddonfield, Camden County, and New Jersey are updated on Haddonfield[dot]Today each week day.