The Historical Society of Haddonfield has launched a story-gathering project called “Haddonfield Virus Year.” The Society is inviting its members, and members of the community generally, to contribute records of their experiences for posterity.
“The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all of us,” says Dana Dorman, the Society’s archivist. “During this challenging time of school and business closures, social distancing, or even actual illness, we at the Historical Society can’t help but wonder – how will this experience be recorded for future generations?
“Start writing down your experiences,” Dorman suggests. “You can do this in any way that feels right for you: as a letter, as a diary or an activity log, as a string of sentences. If you don’t want to write, document your experiences in whatever other ways feel right for you: photographs, artwork, audio or video recordings, etc.”
Learn more — and sign up to participate — HERE.