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First Baptist to open for in-person worship

The First Baptist Church of Haddonfield is planning to reopen for worship on Sunday, October 4, with an in-person service at 11am.

All wishing to enter must pass through a no-contact temperature checkpoint at the entrance to the building (the ramp doors), complete a health check, and apply hand sanitizer. Face masks must be worn at all times.

The only open areas will be the sanctuary, Middleton Room, rear hall, main floor powder room, and Skylight Room.

Certain pews will be roped off to maintain social distancing. Worshipers may sit with in family group. Children must remain seated in the sanctuary with their families at all times and must be masked.

Pew cushions and upholstered pieces have been removed. Those who need a cushion should bring their own, but must take it when they leave.

Bibles and hymnals have been removed. Bulletins with the Order of Service will be preset in the available pews. Pre-packaged communion sets will be in the pews on Communion Sundays. Offering plates will not be passed during the service; there will be a receiving box for offering envelopes in the rear of the sanctuary.

There will be no fellowship hour.

Those planning to attend are asked to check email as the date approaches to confirm arrangements, or call 856-429-2326 and for a voicemail message.

The building will be closed after the Sunday service, cleaned, and remain closed for the remainder of the week.