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Author: haddonfieldtoday

Two more stores join window display contest

Haddonfield Donut Company and Jay West Bridal have joined 17 other downtown stores that are participating in the Halloween Window Display Contest sponsored by Haddonfield Today.

The goal of the contest is to help drive foot traffic to the downtown and into stores and restaurants.

The store that gets the most votes by 5pm on Sunday, November 1 will win advertising in Haddonfield Today. But one lucky shopper (voter) will win as well – a Trick-or-Treat bag filled with $475 in gift certificates from the 19 participating businesses:

  • A Little Whimsy 
  • Ahead of the Pack
  • Edible Arrangements
  • Haddonfield Donut Company
  • Haddonfield Fine Jewelers
  • Haddonfield Floral
  • Haddonfield Theater Arts Center
  • Happy Hippo Toys
  • Home on Haddon
  • Inkwood Books
  • Jay West Bridal
  • Maison Marcelle
  • Melange Boutique
  • Meserall Vision and Hearing
  • Mirano’s Barber Shop
  • Norris Barber Company
  • Pizza Crimine
  • Sweet T’s Bakeshop
  • The Paper Trail

Stop by these stores to check out their window displays. Note that some have embraced the “Haddyween” theme by incorporating dinosaurs into their displays.

To vote, scan the QR code on the poster in the windows of participating stores. (Note that you need to be age 18 or older to participate, and that you are limited to one entry per email address.)

Let’s hear it for Haddyween! is publicizing a number of activities in Haddonfield related to Halloween. Locally, the site has branded the initiative, “Haddyween.”

Details on two scavenger hunts may be found on the website – one sponsored by the Historical Society and the other by The Allison Nagle Team at RE/MAX One. Scavenger hunt cards are available to diners at The Bistro, on the corner of Kings Hwy and Tanner.

Families are being encouraged to create scarecrows for their front yards. Information about getting the ingredients may be found on the website, along with details of a planned townwide scarecrow walk.

Through Sunday, November 1, downtown shoppers can vote for their favorite Haddyween window displays. One lucky shopper will win a Trick-or-Treat bag of gift cards contributed by participating businesses. The business that gets the most votes will win free advertising in Haddonfield Today, sponsor of the contest. 

The Happy Hippo has a wide variety of dinosaur-themed toys, and there may even be an appearance by a friendly dinosaur on the corner of Kings Highway and Haddon Avenue. Visit Inkwood Books for dinosaur and Halloween-themed reading fun.

DiBartolo’s new European-style pâtisserie will be baking up something special – stay tuned! 

Photo opportunities for families by the bronze sculpture will be available, including a guest appearance from the artist himself, John Giannotti. At 11am on Saturday, October 31 he will talk about the process of creating the sculpture. 

King’s Road Brewery will feature a Haddy-themed beer for the occasion – “Hadrosaur Hop Giant.” It will be released on Saturday, October 31. Then, when the sun goes down, King’s Road will screen Jurassic Park on the outside wall of their beer garden (weather permitting).

All across town, thru Saturday, October 31, Haddonfield residents and visitors can enjoy the spirit of the holiday with these and other Haddyween happenings.

Female in 50s tests positive for COVID-19

The Camden County Department of Health reported today that a Haddonfield resident — a female in her 50s — has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. This brings the total number of confirmed cases locally to 136, with five fatalities.

In Camden County, the total number of cases stands at 11,715, with 566 deaths. For New Jersey, 222,193 cases with 14,438 confirmed deaths and an additional 1,789 probable deaths.

Rates per 1,000 of population are: Haddonfield 11.73; Camden County 22.81; New Jersey 25.02.

The transmission rate for New Jersey — a key metric — now stands at 1.13. (A transmission rate of 1.0 means that, on average, each new case will produce one additional new case. When the transmission rate falls below 1,0, it’s a good sign. When it rises above 1.0, it’s cause for concern.)

Statistics for Haddonfield, Camden County, and New Jersey are updated on Haddonfield[dot]Today most weekdays.

Three female residents test positive for COVID-19

The Camden County Department of Health reported today that three Haddonfield residents, all females, have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19: one is in her 30s and two are in their 50s. This brings the total number of confirmed cases locally to 135, with five fatalities.

In Camden County, the total number of cases stands at 11,691, with 562 deaths. For New Jersey, 221,205 cases with 14,425 confirmed deaths and an additional 1,789 probable deaths.

Rates per 1,000 of population are: Haddonfield 11.39; Camden County 22.32; New Jersey 24.52.

The transmission rate — a key metric — now stands at 1.14. (A transmission rate of 1.0 means that, on average, each new case will produce one additional new case. When the transmission rate falls below 1,0, it’s a good sign. When it rises above 1.0, it’s cause for concern.)

Statistics for Haddonfield, Camden County, and New Jersey are updated on Haddonfield[dot]Today most weekdays.

Vote for favorite Halloween window … and win!

To help drive foot traffic to the downtown and into stores and restaurants, Haddonfield Today is sponsoring a Halloween Window Display Contest thru Sunday, November 1.

To date, 17 stores have signed on as participants. Each contributed a $25 gift card to a Trick-or-Treat bag that one lucky shopper will win on Monday, November 2. Value: $425.

Shoppers age 18 and older can vote by scanning the QR code on posters in the windows of participating stores, and at their cash registers. One entry per email address.

The store that garners the most votes will win a full-page color ad in Haddonfield Today. If the store’s display features dinosaurs – in keeping with the Happy Haddyween theme – it will win an extra half-page ad. 

Check out the windows of these stores, then vote!

  • Ahead of the Pack
  • Edible Arrangements
  • Haddonfield Fine Jewelers 
  • Haddonfield Floral Company 
  • Haddonfield Theater Arts Center
  • The Happy Hippo
  • Home on Haddon 
  • Inkwood Books
  • A Little Whimsey 
  • Maison Marcellé
  • Melange Boutique 
  • Meserall Vision and Hearing 
  • Mirano’s Barber Shop
  • Norris Barber Company
  • The Paper Trail 
  • Pizza Crimine
  • Sweet T’s Bakeshop

Two females (10s, 80s) test positive for COVID-19

The Camden County Department of Health reported today that two Haddonfield residents have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19: a female in her 10s, and a female in her 80s. This brings the total number of confirmed cases locally to 132, with five fatalities.

In Camden County, the total number of cases stands at 11,467, with 562 deaths. For New Jersey, 217,804 cases with 14,413 confirmed deaths and an additional 1,789 probable deaths.

Rates per 1,000 of population are: Haddonfield 11.39; Camden County 22.32; New Jersey 24.52.

The transmission rate — a key metric — now stands at 1.18. (A transmission rate of 1.0 means that, on average, each new case will produce one additional new case. When the transmission rate falls below 1,0, it’s a good sign. When it rises above 1.0, it’s cause for concern.)

Statistics for Haddonfield, Camden County, and New Jersey are updated on Haddonfield[dot]Today most weekdays.

Bancroft update

The Board of Commissioners released the following statement with respect to the Bancroft property on Wednesday, October 13.

The Board of Commissioners has spent several months communicating with Two Hopkins Lane Urban Renewal, LLC (“2HL”), the designated redeveloper of the Bancroft site, in an effort to spur the productive re-use of the Bancroft site.  2HL has recently submitted site plans for the Bancroft site, seeking approvals to construct a proposed redevelopment project consistent with the terms of the redevelopment plan and redevelopment agreement between the Borough and 2HL.  

The filed site plans (the “2HL Plans”), which are on file within the Community Development Office, are nearly identical to those submitted in 2019. The 2HL Plans will be made public on the Borough website once deemed complete in accordance with applicable land use laws, and may also be obtained by residents via request pursuant to the Open Public Records Act (“OPRA”).  Importantly, the 2HL Plans will be subject to multiple public hearings. The 2HL Plans were already under review by the Historic Preservation Commission (“HPC”) back in 2019, when the review process was halted due to litigation. HPC will now convene a sub-committee to re-examine the 2HL Plans this fall. After appearing before HPC and receiving their Certificate of Appropriateness from the Planning Board (“PB”), 2HL will then apply to the PB for site plan and subdivision approvals. The Borough anticipates that the Planning Board will hear the 2HL Plans during the fourth quarter of 2020.

As always, the Board of Commissioners will continue to pursue the productive re-use of the Bancroft site in a manner beneficial to the residents of the Borough, and will provide regular updates to the public moving forward.

The page on the Borough’s website titled “Bancroft Site – Redevelopment Plan” may be accessed HERE.

Another three COVID-19 cases

The Camden County Department of Health reported today that three Haddonfield residents have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19: males in their 30s, 50s, and 70s. This brings the total number of confirmed cases locally to 130, with five fatalities.

In Camden County, the total number of cases stands at 11,413, with 562 deaths. For New Jersey, 216,994 cases with 14,408 confirmed deaths and an additional 1,789 probable deaths.

Rates per 1,000 of population are: Haddonfield 10.96; Camden County 22.11; New Jersey 24.32.

The transmission rate — a key metric — now stands at 1.16. (A transmission rate of 1.0 means that, on average, each new case will produce one additional new case. When the transmission rate falls below 1,0, it’s a good sign. When it rises above 1.0, it’s cause for concern.)

Statistics for Haddonfield, Camden County, and New Jersey are updated on Haddonfield[dot]Today each week day.